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Cascade Carpet Cleaning LLC

Cascade Carpet Cleaning LLC

Best Cleaning Contractors Cascade Carpet Cleaning LLC

Serving Kent County MichiganI When you invest in carpet cleaning, you can make your entire Kent County Michigan, home look better and feel more welcoming. The professionals at Cascade Carpet Cleaning pay close attention to each detail in order to provide you with quality work. Were fully licensed, insured, and bonded, and well do everything we can to minimize stains, brighten colors, and restore the beautiful look to your carpets. We offer competitive rates on all services, and we take pride in being highly experienced. Youll appreciate our friendly service and convenient appointments. Our skilled technicians are able to assist you with a full range of services, including: Carpet cleaning Rug cleaning Upholstery cleaning Tile and grout cleaning Rather than spending your free time struggling with a heavy machine, let our carpet cleaning crew handle this chore for you. We want to make your Kent County home look its best, and well take the time to treat your entire carpet or rug from one corner to the other. Call Cascade Carpet Cleaning today to schedule your appointment, and see how easy it can be to get your carpets clean.. Carpet & Rug Protection, Carpet Care, Fast Carpet Drying, Pet Stain Removal, Pet Odor Removal, Upholstery Cleaning, Stain Removal, Truck Mount Carpet Cleaning, Hot Water Cleaning

Business Hours

Business Hours
Mon - Sun: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm



Contact Information

Belmont, MI 49306
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Gary Nielson

Member since 6 years ago
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