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Creations In Glass

Creations In Glass

Best handyman Creations In Glass

Creations In Glass was born of the love for the nostalgic beauty of stained glass and the desire to preserve this colorful art form in modern times. The company has extensive expertise in restoring existing stained glass, as well as in designing and creating new stained and etched glass installations for homes, offices, churches and government buildings. We will be glad to meet with you in your home or office to suggest how stained glass or sand etching can bring drama and elegance to your decor. So if you're thinking of decorating or redecorating Creations In Glass, the possibilities are limitless.And On Site Repairs, Stained, Experts in Restorations, Beveled, Creating Custom Designs In:, Precise Mirror Installations, Custom Design Work, Leaded, Residential Commercial, Etched Glass, Creating Custom Designs In, Repair, And Etched Glass, Leaded Windows, Restorations & Etched Glass, Beveled, Stained Glass Windows, Architectural Glass, Door Glass, Stained & Beveled Glass, Etched Glass, Leaded Glass, Ornamental Glass, Gifts & Decorative Glass, Stained, Church Windows, Custom Doors & Windows, Glass Doors, Frameless Shower Enclosures, Stained Leaded Beveled, Leaded.

Business Hours

Business Hours
Mon - Wed: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Thu: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Fri: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm Sat: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Sun Closed



Contact Information

344 Main St Hackensack, NJ 7601
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Author Info

Gary Nielson

Member since 6 years ago
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